Our Basic Policy on Copyrighted Works

koki Sato, Representative Director

All content posted on our website and apps ("works") are protected by copyright laws, and copyrights belong to Comic Smart, Inc.(the “Company”,”we”,”our” or ”us”) and/or third parties with legitimate rights ("copyright holders").

■ Prohibited Usage
As a general rule, you may not use copyrighted works without the permission of the copyright holder, unless legally permitted to do so.

The following uses are also prohibited

Use that materially damages the image of the copyright holder or the copyrighted work
Use that is detrimental to the social reputation of the copyright holder
Use against public policy or public order and morals
Use that infringes or may infringe the rights of others
Any other use that the Company deems inappropriate

■For use
All use of copyrighted works, whether by juridical persons (e.g. corporations) or individuals, requires a separate agreement with the copyright holder.
Please contact us through the following inquiry window.

E-mail: info@comicsmart.co.jp
Business hours: 10:00 - 16:00 on weekdays (except for year-end and New Year holidays and holidays designated by the Company)

■ Supplementary Provisions
Established June 1, 2016
Revised February 1, 2017

This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a legally definitive translation of the original Japanese texts. If a difference arises regarding the meaning herein, the original Japanese version shall prevail as the official authoritative version.